Print Report Manager Software

Print Report manager is the software tool that manages electronic document distribution and archiving. Reports can be automatically ingested, indexed, burst and  distributed electronically. Company reports can be viewed via browser. This  eliminates the cost of  printing and increases end user mobility. User can search for information within the stored documents.

Print Report Manager highlights:

  • Auto indexing of reports
  • Capture of scanned documents
  • Easy Navigation
  • Audit information
  • Browser based viewing
  • Document level security
  • Email and print

Print Report Manager Software is also a document repository for computer generated reports as well as scanned documents. Print Report Manager has an intuitive user interface that allows users to retrieve documents quickly. The  ability to search within a document can save company hours of valuable time.

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Print Report Manager

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Print Report Manager

By using print report manager companies can avoid printing and copying documents. Switching to Plus Technologies electronic report distribution software brings saving of time and lowers cost of operations. By using Report Manager, businesses can avoid costs associated with duplication, mailing, equipment, file cabinets, and labor. Reports can be accessed instantly through a web browser.

The solutions is customized to accommodate multiple users and restrict user rights based on the company needs. Report distribution software ensures that only the appropriate pages are presented to users based on a comprehensive security model. Users can search thorough report details and even make annotations and marks. You can store electronic reports of all types including invoices, text reports, school grade reports, insurance claim report. The report distribution software support document extensions such as PDF, Word, Excel, email, and more.


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