CheckPlusCFO testimonials from Printech Global

Asset AcceptanceAsset Acceptance Capital Corp. provides debt recovery services to credit card issuers, consumer finance companies, merchants, utilities and other credit originators. The company utilizes CheckPlusCFO secure payment solution to process accounts payable and payroll. With recent upgrade to a newer version of software, Printech technical support team has been working in close collaboration with Asset Acceptance team. IT manager at the company was pleased with implementation and noted that ”everything worked perfectly, you provide GREAT customer service and technical knowledge each and every day.” The integration went smoothly and the software is now up-to-date, enabling payment processing in efficient and cost-effective way.
Nick Blackman, Desktop Engineer
MedforceMedforce is a premier medical recruiting firm and national staffing company. They utilize CheckPlusCFO software application to process payments to vendors and contractors. The company recently had an issue with signature on the checks after the system was unplugged. Printech technical support was able to identify the problem and provide solution the same day. Kimberly Newman, a Senior Accountant was satisfied with a quick turnaround:” I really appreciate the quick response! You guys are so helpful when we encounter problems like this. I followed your directions and we are back up and running.”. At Printech we strive to assist clients and support payments flow. Medforce has been a customer for many years using CheckPlus CFO and blank secure checks.”

Kimberly Newman, Senior Accountant

SantCheck Printing Softwarea Cruz County in California had been producing both Accounts Payable and Payroll checks using pre-printed check forms and impact printers. They were looking for a streamlined and unified system that was easy to use, cost-effective and efficient to produce professionally looking checks with the option of generating electronic payments.After conducting a search and doing their due diligence, they opted for Printech’s CheckPlus check printing solution.Suzanne Young, Audit and Systems Manager said, “The checks we produce are now more secure. The system is very user friendly and we have experienced excellent support and service from Printech. Overall we are very pleased with the CheckPlus solution.
Suzanne Young, Audit and Systems Manager
Santa Cruz County, California
micr printing software“With CheckPlusCFO we can print checks in a secure environment from multiple location, multiple accounts and in various currencies. With independently operating offices in USA, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador and Colombia we needed a form of centralization of financial operation for control purposes. CheckPlus gave is the ability to conduct secure check processing, internal audit of accounts, allowed for remote check printing to various locations and critical event watch”
Trudy Callia, Director, Financial Planning and Corporate Accounting Systems
Butterfield bank “Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited would like to thank the Printech Global Secure Solutions team for their ongoing support in the successful integration of our draft and check book system. Throughout the implementation, Printech was able to partner with the Bank and third party vendors to provide the required on-the-ground support and application based training, which resulted in a successful implementation for our client base.”
William Pennington, Senior Manager of One Butterfield Programme
Refunds CheckPlusCFO“Thank you to the entire Printech team members who helped me with our customer refund check project.  This project started some months ago and our scheduled “go live” target date was July 7, 2011.  Because of your dedication to client support from the beginning, I was able to meet this critical deadline and printed 277 checks without any problems. I have no doubt we made the right choice with selecting Printech for our project and look forward to working with you in the future.“

Elain G., the Manager of the Treasure
check printing softwareOur company made the decision to upgrade from an older check printing system to CheckPlus in order to gain the more modern features and options provided by their system.Two of the important features that influenced us in our decision to switch to the CheckPlus check printing application were: 1) the fraud deterrent features offered by this software and 2) the willingness of Printech to accommodate Sterling’s unique needs such as the automatic e-mail transmission of check register information to a remote site for local printing.Printech has been very flexible to our needs and their technical department has always provided the necessary support when needed.
Elaine Salles, Accounts Payable/Treasury Manager
Sterling Chemicals, Texas Gulf Coast
micr printing software The Antigua Barbuda Social Security Board implemented its new laser cheque printing process in January of 1996. This process replaced one that utilized a high speed impact printer and preprinted continuous cheque forms and envelopes.Under the previous system, the cheques and the envelopes were printed by the Computer department, and then transferred to the Benefits department where the printed cheques were passed through a cheque signing machine. The signed cheques were then manually separated and inserted into the envelopes. Processing this monthly batch of cheques required approximately ten man-days.
With the new cheque printing process, introduced to us by Printech, our monthly batch of cheques takes approximately one man-day to process. Our current process is centered around two security enhanced MICR laser printers, one High Performance Infoseal system for folding and sealing, and specially prepared blank cheque printing forms supplied by Printech with many security features.
This process enables us to do our printing and cheque signing in one pass. It also enables us to generate varied informational messages to our beneficiaries which would have required a separate letter. In addition, we also print forms that the beneficiaries then complete and return to us, again saving us another separate mailing.
Not only is this finished product a more professional looking product, but we get the added advantage of MICR encoding. In addition, the security features of watermarks; miniature coding and security fonts ensure reliability and ready acceptance by our banks.
In 2002 we upgraded the software to CheckPlusCFO with its enhanced security features and better performance. By mid 2004 we will be replacing our printers and sealing system with more modern equipment from the original provider – Printech.
All in all, the new process has exceeded our expectations and, as one can deduce from this, the system is paying for itself through generous cost savings.
Luther A. Mills, Information Technology Manager
Antigua Barbuda Social Security Board
micr check printing softwareBelize Electricity Limited (BEL) is the primary commercial generator, transmitter and distributor of electricity in Belize, Central America.
BEL was processing approximately 1,000 manual Accounts Payable checks and an additional 1,100 check quarterly when Dividend and Debenture checks had to be generated. This method tied up a lot of managerial time since all these checks had to be manually signed.
Due to this situation, BEL searched the market for a company that could streamline, reduce processing time and eliminate the need to manually sign all their checks.
”Of the systems we looked at while searching for a highly secure payment software, we found non that provided the security features available by the CheckPlus software. With CheckPlus we could implement a payment authorization feature called VISUALsign that provides a very secure payment and signature approval methodology. With the CheckPlus VISUALsign feature, payment checks are processed much faster and potential erros during the payment and signing process are eliminated,” explained Mr. Sean Fuller, Information Systems Manager. ”Our suppliers, shareholders and debenture holders are now being paid in a more expeditious and secure manner.”
”At the present time, CheckPlus meets all of our needs. However, it is comforting to know that CheckPlus is modular and will allow us to add new features as the need arises. We are very pleased with the level of support and attention that we have received during and after the installation of our system”, asserted Mr. Fuller.
Sean Fuller, Information Systems Manager
Belize Electricity, Belize City, Belize
check writing software Until recently, our company had been processing Payroll and Accounts Payable checks through a series of operations which included several dot matrix printers, decollating multi-part checks and manual check signing. We were searching for a more economical and efficient way to process 8,000 to 10,000 checks per month.Through our purchase of Printech’s CheckPlus Software, we estimate that we’ll save a full FTE in production hours, while improving check security and the image of the company. Our paycheck stubs are now easier to read and include a highly visible message area for communicating to our employees. Payable checks also have improved information on the stubs, and a more professional look.Technical Support was very good and implementation issues were quickly resolved via telephone and email.I am pleased with the level of professionalism and the implementation of the CheckPlus Software and look forward to extending the uses of the application in the future.
Aaron Durell, Vice President, MIS
Altercare, Navarre, Ohio
We have achieved significant savings, especially in the area of hardware by eliminating existing burster, signing machine and sealer equipment. Furthermore, CheckPlus® has provided us with the necessary capability and flexibility to handle any future changes quickly and cost effectively.
Kenneth Clark
CIO, Central Main Health Care – Lewiston, Maine
micr check printing softwareWe are very pleased with the buying experience we had with Printech. The installation went very smoothly and without any problems. As a result I am extremely satisfied with the CheckPlusCFO solution and I will recommend it to a colleague that works at another financial institution.CheckPlusCFO has definitely streamlined the process of generating, printing and signing our checks eliminating the delays caused by the old system. CheckPlusCFO has automated the entire check printing process allowing us to conduct business in a more efficient manner.
Michelle Belgrave, Manager – Management Information Systems
Insurance Corporation of Barbados, Bridgetown, Barbados
blank laser check stockCheckPlus® and Printech are extremely reliable and dependable. We are very satisfied with the service and technical support received. Printech’s flexibility of offering compatible products for our software made the difference. Now, we are no longer locked into buying exclusive products for our company. And, actually, Printech had a solution which was Y2K compliant…and the other vendor did not. All of the above made the difference for us.
Glenroy Pratt, MIS Support Manager
Bahamas Telecommunications Corp (Batelco) – Nassau, Bahamas
Prior to installing the CheckPlus disbursement solution, we were using a system AS400 to process our pre-printed checks and then print them using a continuous form printer. These checks then had to be burst, decollated and routed to the proper signatories. This resulted in a very time consuming and expensive process.After installing the Printech CheckPlus solution, turn around time for processing a check run has vastly improved reducing many hours of production time into as little as 15 minutes in some situations. Additionally, since CheckPlus was also installed in our branches, this has resulted in a more efficient working environment.The transition and implementation of the new system has been so highly successful that we are already planning to use it to process our Health Department checks.I will be glad to recommend the Printech CheckPlus payment solution to any other company in need of a similar system. Feel free to use my name as a reference to other customer.
Martin Jim, Executive Finance & Information Systems
NEM (West Indies) Insurance, Ltd. Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
We are very happy with the CheckPlus® solution. It has proven to be very efficient for our needs. Regarding your other products and services, we even have established a new system to ensure that when our toner supply is low, we can immediately place an order with Printech for more, without having to buy large quantities and keep them in stock. You may count on us recommending CheckPlus® and Printech to other companies any time.
Clarence Matthias, Systems Supervisor
Bank of Antigua – St. John’s, Antigua & Barbuda
micr check printing software Printech has put together a finished MICR check printing solution to satisfy our very difficult requirements. They were able to provide this in a cost-effective and timely manner when no other company could even satisfy our requirements. I am very pleased with the results and would use their services again.
Robert Jones, V.P. Technology Services
Renaissance, Inc.- Carmel, Indiana
check printing softwareWe’re very satisfied with the performance and savings provided by the Printech CheckPlus disbursement software. We were surprised at how cost-effective this has turned out to be. We have reduced our workload and are able to accomplish much more than before – in less time than ever!
Eliot Appel, Chief Financial Officer
Team Health – Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
As is always the case at ROMAC, we needed everything yesterday. Thanks for your assistance with this matter. We value the relationship with Printech and look forward to a lasting relationship for ROMAC’s growing check printing needs. Printech was a major contributor to our successful implementation of remote check printing.
John Bless, Director of Application Services
ROMAC International, Inc. – Tampa, Florida
Les escribimos para informarles que nuestro sistema de impresión de cheques, el cual opera en todas nuestras agencias, esta funcionando al 100%. Muchas gracias por su excelente apoyo y soporte técnico. Sabemos que nuestra institución esta en buenas manos con Printech y estaríamos muy contentos de recomendarlos a otras entidades financieras en nuestra industria.
Oldemar Ortiz, Líder de Proyectos Informáticos
Banco de San José, San José, Costa Rica
We have been using ElectroForm/400 software on our IBM AS/400 system since 1994 for the generation of our organization’s payroll/DDA slips. The following year, we implemented the accounts payable application in some of our entities within a quick two week period and are now in the process of expanding the use of both checks to encompass company wide applications. We are also using the InfoSeal self mailer system for rapid and secure processing of our DDA forms.The support that we have received with the EF/400 application from Printech has been exceptional. I recommend them to any company with an AS/400 system who needs to generate laser MICR encoded checks while reducing costs and improving their operations.
Al Ravelo, MIS Director
Lennar Corporation – Miami, Florida
Al inicio de operaciones en cuentas corrientes, Commerce Overseas Bank se planteó la necesidad de adquirir un sistema de impresión de cheques que le permitiera ofrecer a nuestros clientes todos los beneficios posibles y a la vez canalizar todo el proceso en nuestro Banco.Fue entonces cuando se contactó a Printech adquiriendo el sistema de impresión CheckPlus. Desde su instalación a la fecha, el sistema ha cumplido con nuestras espectativas por lo que nos encontramos muy satisfechos con el servicio brindado. Además, el soporte técnico es muy rápido y la capacidad de respuesta para la solución de los inconvenientes presentados ha sido pronta y oportuna. Con el uso del Internet para el envío de archivos resolutorios, los cuales nuestros técnicos aplican de acuerdo a sus instrucciones, representan un gran ahorro de tiempo y dinero.Por lo anterior, recomendamos el uso del Sistema CheckPlusCFO brindado por su representada Printech.
Jenny Chavarria Torres
Jefe Sec. Cuentas Corrientes
Commerce Overseas Bank, S.A. – Costa Rica